Category: Graphic Design

  • [Flipbook] Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh

    [Flipbook] Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh

    BY: INKBRUSHMOOD | Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh is now available for online reading! You can check it out here. Also available as a PDF. INKBRUSHMOOD VOL. 2 COMING SOON!

  • IMG KOAN #3

    IMG KOAN #3

    Swim against the current (2024, February 2) by IKB Wind

  • Ōoka Shunboku: Daikokuten et tigre [+Wallpaper!]

    Ōoka Shunboku: Daikokuten et tigre [+Wallpaper!]

    The original Daikokuten and Tiger (1750!): Celebrate Shunboku’s creative genius by downloading a remixed! Daikokuten et tigre wallpaper (1366×768) fresh off the IKB press: Thanks for checking it out! Which wallpaper did you like the most? Share in the comments and remember to spread the IKB word 🙂

  • Ikko Tanaka’s Post-Modern Noh Vision

    Ikko Tanaka’s Post-Modern Noh Vision

    Ikko Tanaka (1930 – 2002) was a Japanese grand master of graphic design. At once highly geometric and vibrantly organic, Tanaka’s style incorporates elements of both Japanese art and Western Modernism with an abstract flair. Many of Tanaka’s most renowned works are related to his involvement with the theatre. His most famous poster, “Nihon Buyo”…