Tag: flipbook

  • [Flipbook] Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh

    [Flipbook] Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh

    BY: INKBRUSHMOOD | editorial@inkbrushmood.com Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh is now available for online reading! You can check it out here. Also available as a PDF. INKBRUSHMOOD VOL. 2 COMING SOON!

  • Itō Shinsui: Master of Bijin-ga

    Itō Shinsui: Master of Bijin-ga

    Itō Shinsui is an expert in beautiful women — or at least in painting them. An icon of the Shin-hanga (modern ukiyo-e) movement, Shinsui specifically excelled at bijin-ga: portraits of beautiful women. What makes Shinsui’s prints so special? Women are certainly not a new topic in the art world, and definitely not in ukiyo-e. From…