Author: inkbrush

  • Ōoka Shunboku: Daikokuten et tigre [+Wallpaper!]

    Ōoka Shunboku: Daikokuten et tigre [+Wallpaper!]

    The original Daikokuten and Tiger (1750!): Celebrate Shunboku’s creative genius by downloading a remixed! Daikokuten et tigre wallpaper (1366×768) fresh off the IKB press: Thanks for checking it out! Which wallpaper did you like the most? Share in the comments and remember to spread the IKB word 🙂

  • Ikko Tanaka’s Post-Modern Noh Vision

    Ikko Tanaka’s Post-Modern Noh Vision

    Ikko Tanaka (1930 – 2002) was a Japanese grand master of graphic design. At once highly geometric and vibrantly organic, Tanaka’s style incorporates elements of both Japanese art and Western Modernism with an abstract flair. Many of Tanaka’s most renowned works are related to his involvement with the theatre. His most famous poster, “Nihon Buyo”…

  • Ohno Bafuku’s Creative Nature Prints

    Ohno Bafuku’s Creative Nature Prints

    Ohno Bafuku (1888-1972) was a Japanese shin-hanga painter best known for his inspired naturely art works or sosaku-hanga (“creative prints”). Though nature is a frequent theme in Japanese art, Bafuku expresses an intensity and perspective that feels alternative to his era. One need only see Mebaru (20th. CE; above) to appreciate its conceptual beauty. The…

  • Itō Shinsui: Master of Bijin-ga

    Itō Shinsui: Master of Bijin-ga

    Itō Shinsui is an expert in beautiful women — or at least in painting them. An icon of the Shin-hanga (modern ukiyo-e) movement, Shinsui specifically excelled at bijin-ga: portraits of beautiful women. What makes Shinsui’s prints so special? Women are certainly not a new topic in the art world, and definitely not in ukiyo-e. From…

  • The Photography of Yoshihiko Ueda

    The Photography of Yoshihiko Ueda

    I first became aware of Yoshihiko Ueda after stumbling upon a cover of his photography book, Quinault (1993). I was instantly struck by its dark, ethereal feel — dusky and liminal. I felt like I was traveling undaunted through a mysterious patch of forest, or an unexplored segment of my own unconscious. As it turns…

  • Itō Jakuchū: Potential for Flight

    Itō Jakuchū: Potential for Flight

    I am enraptured by Itō Jakuchū’s art. The stark contrast between the ink-black background and the bold use of color on the foreground is immediately striking, sure. But it’s more than that. The hues on Swallow and Camellia are not jump-at-you bright, but they are made dazzling nonetheless by graceful saturation. The crimson on the…

  • INKBRUSHMOOD VOL. 1 (+updates)

    INKBRUSHMOOD VOL. 1 (+updates)

    Dear Y’all: Long time no type! I hope you’re faring well. Though it’s been a while since I posted, I come baring good news: IKB’s FIRST digital issue is now available for download at ko-fi! For a $3 donation, you get a zine with articles about classic Japanese art and ukiyo-e greats like Hokusai, discussions…

  • On Stopping & Starting Meditation: Real-World Sleep Cycle

    On Stopping & Starting Meditation: Real-World Sleep Cycle

    “Dropping out” of meditation is a common concern among meditators. You can have an established meditation practice and then find yourself slowly drifting towards other things in lieu of sitting down on the mat. You may have noticed your mat (or your cushion) gathering dust when the realization struck – you’ve been gone for a…

  • Being is Breathing

    Being is Breathing

    “So when we practice zazen, all that exists is the movement of the breathing, but we are aware of this movement. You should not be absent-minded. But to be aware of the movement does not mean to be aware of your small self, but rather of your universal nature, or Buddha nature.” -D.T. Suzuki, Zen…