Category: IKB Zine

  • [Flipbook] Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh

    [Flipbook] Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh

    BY: INKBRUSHMOOD | Ikko Tanaka’s Abstract Visual Noh is now available for online reading! You can check it out here. Also available as a PDF. INKBRUSHMOOD VOL. 2 COMING SOON!

  • IMG KOAN #3

    IMG KOAN #3

    Swim against the current (2024, February 2) by IKB Wind

  • Itō Jakuchū: Potential for Flight

    Itō Jakuchū: Potential for Flight

    I am enraptured by Itō Jakuchū’s art. The stark contrast between the ink-black background and the bold use of color on the foreground is immediately striking, sure. But it’s more than that. The hues on Swallow and Camellia are not jump-at-you bright, but they are made dazzling nonetheless by graceful saturation. The crimson on the…

  • INKBRUSHMOOD VOL. 1 (+updates)

    INKBRUSHMOOD VOL. 1 (+updates)

    Dear Y’all: Long time no type! I hope you’re faring well. Though it’s been a while since I posted, I come baring good news: IKB’s FIRST digital issue is now available for download at ko-fi! For a $3 donation, you get a zine with articles about classic Japanese art and ukiyo-e greats like Hokusai, discussions…